donate NOW
We accept all forms of donations including physical items, gift cards, and monetary contributions. We accept all types of payment methods for monetary donations including:
Debit/Credit (fill out form below)
Paypal (fill out form below)
All monetary donations will go toward the purchase of our most needed items:
Cotton Fabric
Flannel Fabric
Sewing station tables
Task chairs for sewing stations
Anti-Fatigue Mats
Cutting Mats
Gift Cards: JoAnn's, Hobby Lobby, Amazon
Please drop off any items or mail checks to:
Seauxing Seeds Foundation
820 E Boston St Suite 2
Covington, LA 70433
We are eternally grateful for all donations. Items that we can purchase directly with donated gift cards and other monetary means (check, credit/debit, VENMO, ect.) will become tax exempt making your donation even more effective!